Taking cues from various guitar based Back From the Grave howlers of yore and speckle their tunes with the keys heavy scree of bands like the Screamers and Devo; and the anthem-ey qualities of classic punk bands like the Avengers and Weirdos. They even throw in a few choice Flamencan guitar licks here and there as a subtle nod to their regional Spanish roots. And the culmination of their characteristic genre-dabblings paired with their aggro, atacking delivery is what really makes Juanita Y Los Feos stand out.
Juanita Y Los Feos- S/T CD
El Agujero
Madre Soltera (No Quiero Ser Una)
Dame Un Cuchillo
Reina Por Un Día
Maldito Desagradecido
Baila Como Un Robot
El Huracán Ha Llegado A Vietnam
No Tengo Ritmo
Tu Secta Es Guay
Nima Peymanfard
Un Piso En El Paraiso